How To Practice Self-Love Through Giving

Self-love allows you to reach a new level of security and happiness. In this article, we shall discuss how to practice self-love through giving.

We look outside of ourselves for love since that is how we found stability and love as kids. We received rewards for our good deeds. The truth is, the love you’re looking for can only come from within. But we didn’t get over this; we still looked for love in other people. Because of this, no amount of affection from another person will make you completely content, and you can never feel safe if you don’t have confidence in your talents.

Giving Makes You Healthier

When it comes to self-love, what could be better than taking care of your health? Let’s talk physical health first: Giving has been proven to decrease blood pressure and reduce stress. This, in turn, promotes better overall health and a longer life. In terms of mental health benefits, giving helps with anxiety and depression, and increases self-esteem. When you do something nice for someone, like giving a gift, it releases oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone.” Then there are the social-emotional benefits—giving promotes cooperation and social connection. Studies show that when you give to others, your generosity is often paid forward or returned to you. When you give, you’re more likely to receive. Your relationships and connections grow, which is so important right now. Giving is a win-win in every sense of the word.

Giving Doesn’t Have To Be Grandiose

A study conducted by the University of Zurich found that happiness was associated with generosity, even when it was a one-time gesture or the gift seemed insignificant to the giver.

It’s true, then, that everything you give, big or small, does make a difference. I’ve personally seen it time and again.

On a small scale, I make it a habit to give a smile, wave, nod, or “Good morning!” to every person I meet when I’m running. In return, I receive smiles, waves, nods and “Good mornings.” Granted, not everyone returns the gesture, but most of the time, it is reciprocated. These small, spontaneous moments of connection and spreading joy to others can go a long way. There is an element of surprise and delight that comes with it, and I feel an instant energy boost in the moment.

Need ideas on how to start?

First, make a commitment to yourself to practice giving small gifts regularly—hold the door open for a stranger, send a Thank You email to a colleague, ask the cashier at your grocery store how his day is going, give flowers to your spouse, bake cookies for your children, give an old friend a phone call (not a text, a real phone call!). The possibilities are endless. The key? Keep it consistent and manageable. Practice makes progress. Giving will become second nature, and your mind and body will feel the impact.

Of course, if grand gestures are your thing—go for it! Write the large donation check, sponsor the charity event, volunteer every day, choose a career grounded in service. There is no limit to giving and its benefits—both to the giver and the recipient.

Giving Grows A Community

Picture this: you’re in the drive-through at the local coffee shop. You place your order, drive up to the window and find that the person in front of you has already paid for your drink. Inspired by the act of kindness, you then pay for the person behind you—and so on. We’ve all heard this “pay it forward” story, right? (And some of us have even experienced it!) Giving is contagious and sets in motion a cycle of abundance and prosperity.

Never have I seen such generosity in action as in the aftermath of hurricane Ian. People of all ages, those who have lost everything or lost nothing volunteered and donated in droves. Their generosity is healing and uniting for the SWFL community.

For example, the owner of one local restaurant decided to feed those in need instead of reopening his business. He began by feeding approximately 300 people and continues serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner, now to thousands. He regularly talks about how good he feels giving back. No doubt, the goodness is returning to him tenfold.

Fill Your Cup, Give Again

While the beauty and benefits of giving run deep, it’s important to take care of yourself to support others. Giving doesn’t mean give and give and give until you give it all up! Moments of calm, quiet and reflection are life’s charging stations. Make sure to create them to refresh and renew.

And like anything else, if giving becomes another item to check off your list, take a beat and reassess. Genuine, heartfelt, purposeful giving is the kind that serves as a source of self-love and has potential to grow exponentially.

In summary, you can improve your relationship by learning to love yourself and practicing self-love. This is essential if you want to develop a strong connection with other people. Although it takes time to develop self-love, you will undoubtedly get better at it.

Even if you’re under stress, consider all that you’ve already accomplished. You will be one step closer to being the best version once you discover how to be kind to yourself. A wonderful time! Get out there and pursue the activities that ignite your passion. Enjoy them, enjoy who you are, and take in your amazing life.

I hope you find this article helpful.

About the Author

A Public Speaker and Freelancer who is Interested in Writing articles relating to Personal Development, Love and Marriage.