10 Most Common Bad Habits You Didn’t Know About(2023)


If you have any of the following habits, you’re in good company. These are the most frequently mentioned bad habits, and some of them you may not even want to break. Or maybe you just don’t consider breaking those habits a high priority.

Only when they adversely affect your life or someone else’s do they become a problem you can’t ignore.

  1. Nail-biting
  2. Obsessive social networking
  3. Poor eating habits (stress-eating, overeating, skipping meals)
  4. Poor sleeping habits (too much sleep, too little, etc.)
  5. Poor spending habits
  6. Excessive profanity
  7. Multi-tasking
  8. Smoking
  9. Procrastination
  10. Overthinking and worrying

In the lists below, we’ll break down some of the more general or inclusive examples of bad habits into more specific ones.

About the Author

A profuse writer that breach through the realms of science and literature crafting narratives.