Age 30? 6 Medical Tests Every Woman Should Go For Above That’s Above Age 30(2023)


A yearly clinical breast examination by a doctor along with a mammogram and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of the breasts is recommended after the age of 30 by the American Cancer Society.

Even if your breast cancer risk is minimal, don’t take a chance. Get a mammogram done annually. 

Women with an average risk of breast cancer can also start mammograms by the age of 40, if not 30. A strict annual mammogram routine is recommended from 45 years of age

Pap smear
This procedure is used to screen for cervical cancer in women.
A pap smear, in fact, is recommended after the age of 21 at a frequency of three years up to the age of 65.

HPV testing
After the age of 30, HPV testing can be done along with a pap smear for better detection for those at high risk of developing cervical cancer

Lipid profile
The American Heart Association recommends a lipid profile in every healthy individual from the age of 20 every four to six years, while focusing on a healthy diet and physical activity.

Getting a blood test for your lipid profile, thyroid function, and RBC is important. 

Thyroid function tests and complete blood count (CBC)
Mild anaemia and clinical hypothyroidism rarely show any symptoms. Knowing your haemoglobin and your thyroid profile will help in early detection and treatment and improve your quality of life.

Fertility and pre-pregnancy evaluation
This would be the right age to consult with a gynaecologist to assess your fertility. The ovarian reserves, or the number of eggs in the ovary, diminish from the late 20s, and drastically from late 30s.

If you are planning to delay pregnancy it would be advisable to check your ovarian reserves to know the alternatives available in case of low reserves.

About the Author

A profuse writer that breach through the realms of science and literature crafting narratives.