A Guided Meditation For Abundance

As has been stated by many wise ones throughout history that we are a vibrational energetic beings. In this article, we shall discuss a guided meditation for abundance. Over 90% of who we are is unseen. We are going to start the process of awareness of the unseen part of ourselves and then from that place we will manifest our desires by using our thoughts and our feelings. Getting right into the feeling place when manifesting, is like super charging your desires, and speeding up the receiving process, rather than just repeating ideas and affirmations, because when you feel it, your brain thinks that it already exists, then law of attraction brings you exactly what you feel.

It is my intention that this be the beginning or the continuation  of you becoming conscious of yourself, and from that place of inner awareness to create an extraordinary life for yourself just by being who you truly are and in doing so help others do the same.

When we think of abundance, we often associate it with money, but the energy of abundance goes far beyond being comfortable financially. Abundance is the energy of having enough, feeling supported, taken care of, and having complete freedom to enjoy life the way we want to.

Tapping into the energy of abundance can mean cultivating more joy and fulfillment in all areas of our lives and noticing the good that is already there. This meditation is designed to help you sync your life to the energy of abundance so you can tap into the joy that is all around you and easily attract the fulfilling people, places, and experiences you desire.

To begin, settle somewhere where you will not be disturbed and find a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths to settle into the space, then close down your eyes. Begin to tune into the sensation of your breath, feeling as it enters through the nostrils and as it leaves. Become curious about any sensations you are noticing as you sit and breath, becoming aware of how your body feels in the present moment.

From here, begin to direct the breath into your heart space. Inhale into the area of your heart, and imagine exhaling out of the same space. Continue this for a few moments, focusing on the sensation of your heart space.

Then, begin to tap into the energy of appreciation, thinking of an experience from the last 48 hours that brought you joy or pleasure. Tune into how this experience made you feel and the appreciation you have for that moment, tapping into the abundance that exists in your life.

Continue to breathe the energy of appreciation into your heart space as you remember and relive these moments, tapping into the joy and beauty that exists in your day to day life. Allow the memories of these experiences to make you feel nourished, fulfilled, and abundant.
Meditate here for five to ten minutes.

When you finish, return to a regular breath pattern, directing your focus back to your body. Take a few moments to breathe normally and notice the space around you before gently opening your eyes and slowly resuming your day.

Return to this meditation regularly to cultivate a more abundant mindset and open your heart to more nourishing and fulfilling experiences.

If you just focus on the “reality” you see around you now, you will only keep getting what you have. Let go of how things are now as they are only the product of what you have previously thought and believed. You are a vibrational being and you CAN create your life however you wish it to be. The only limitations that exist are the ones you put on yourself. Lay the foundation of your new improved life, believe it is possible, believe you are more than what most can see, remember you are 90% inner being. Use your power; create your life how you want it to be. Believe.

Have a great imagination… get playful with your imagination. You might feel like a bit of a crazy person when you start or you may feel like you are lying to yourself, but all that you are doing is taking your attention off what is, what you have already created in your life and telling a new story that will show up the more you believe it and the more you tell it.

The trick is when you come out of the meditations if your mind wants to go back to complaining about the way it is now, just try to relax, don’t give those thoughts too much attention and fill your thinking up as much as possible with the new story. You will change your life. I hope you find this article helpful.

About the Author

A Public Speaker and Freelancer who is Interested in Writing articles relating to Personal Development, Love and Marriage.