Ways To Make Your Marriage Extraordinary In 2023

With the demands of everyday life, it can be hard to remember some of the simple things that keep our relationships strong. But if you make caring actions a priority, they will soon become a habit and lead to a fulfilling and happy partnership. In this article, we shall discuss ways to make your marriage extraordinary.

“It was right for a woman to be made from a rib of a man. First to signify the social union of man and woman, for the woman should neither use authority over man, and so she was not made from his head; nor was it right for her to be subject to man’s contempt as his slave, and so she was not made from his feet… ”

Thomas Aquinas understood the equality of partners in marriage and that both husband and wife should contribute equally to build a strong and lasting relationship.

There are probably as many different ways to have an extraordinary marriage as there are marriages in our country. But one thing we know for sure is God made man and then made him a helper. We know that God’s creation of man and woman to be together in marriage is sacred.

Genesis 2:18 says, “The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’”

It takes a lot of work to have a successful marriage, and you can’t have an extraordinary marriage without the contribution and commitment of both husband and wife.

1. Give Each Other The Benefit Of The Doubt
This ranks high on the list, yet it’s often easier said than done. The reason I say this is because our families often get the worst of us; to completely take from MTV, we really do stop being polite and start getting real. However, something as simple as giving your spouse or partner the benefit of the doubt can make an extraordinary difference.

2. Have Outside Interests
And I don’t mean another person! Instead, outside interests refer to hobbies, activities, or groups of friends. You can use these outside interests to do things together (go for a hike, take a painting class, join a club), or use them to spend some time apart. No matter how much you’re in love, spending time apart is conducive to keeping a relationship healthy.

3. Be Spontaneous
Both men and women have a little bit of Indiana Jones inside of them. In other words, they like adventure, excitement, and being spontaneous. Sitting on the couch and not talking to each other doesn’t make for an exciting relationship—going out and living life does.

4. Take A Vacation
Another important habit is taking the time to be together. Some couples prefer to do this with a vacation—cruising to the Bahamas or spending a long weekend in New York. Others prefer to do a staycation, simply spending some time in a hometown hotel or a local spa. But, whatever you choose, choose something; taking a break will keep you from breaking apart.

5. Give A Gift Just Because
Partners who have been in a relationship for a long time are often great at giving gifts when they’re supposed to. Their Christmas presents are thoughtful, and their anniversary gifts are exceptional. But, a relationship can also benefit from giving a gift just because. When you do this, you have the element of surprise on your side, and even those who claim to not like surprises usually do.

In summary, looking at this list, you may actually do many of these already, but maybe your spouse doesn’t. Well here is a tip if that’s the case. Keep doing what you’re doing. What happens when we give and give to the ones we love who truly love us back? It comes back around.

Make them feel important, make them feel special, and give them the love and respect that they desire. I promise you, they will come around. They will start to listen, and they will begin to give the same way you give. They will treat you the same way they are treated. Remember that relationships are about give and take, they’re about sacrifice, and they’re about loving one another.

The love you give will be the love you receive. Stay true to your marriage, keep it strong, and believe it’s worth everything it takes to keep it alive. I hope you find this article helpful.

About the Author

A Public Speaker and Freelancer who is Interested in Writing articles relating to Personal Development, Love and Marriage.