Tips On Practicing Self-Care As A New Mother

One of the new-mom traps we tend to fall into is not taking time to take care of ourselves. From simple things like taking a shower, to big things like not giving yourself time to pursue your own interests. In this article, we shall discuss tips on practicing self-care as a new mom.

While there are many surprises and challenges that await you in motherhood, one of the biggest shocks may be time management or the feeling of being overwhelmed. No matter how happy and fulfilled you may be as a new mom if you don’t take time out of your busy day to take care of yourself, you’re not giving your precious baby your best self. Ensuring that you practice self-care might seem like the lowest of your priorities, but being rested and caring for yourself is an essential part of being a mom.

While it will be challenging, it’s not impossible to make sure you take care of yourself.

Here are some tips on how to remember to take care of yourself even when life is a little bit crazy.

Get Your Sleep

While sleeping for a solid chunk of time may be a pipe dream for some, sleeping when your baby has periods of sleep will allow you to get that much-needed rest. If you’re worried that you won’t wake up to the baby’s cries, keep a baby monitor on your nightstand or bring the crib into your bedroom. Ignore the temptation to do chores while your baby sleeps, because it’s vital that you get your rest.

Stay Well Dressed

While it’s tempting to wear your maternity clothes out of convenience and to save money, it will help you feel your best to have comfortable clothes that fit. Get a couple of outfits in your size to wear until you get back to your pre-baby weight.

Make Time to Shower

If you neglect the simple routine of taking a shower, it will take a toll on your mental health. To make sure you shower regularly, try taking a shower when someone is home. You can also bring your baby in the bathroom with you, or take a quick shower while the baby is napping.

Accept Help

Regardless if you’re single or have a partner, trying to go it alone in caring for your baby is a big mistake. You may hate to ask for or accept help, but raising a baby is a lot of work. By recruiting help, you can make sure you have enough time to not only take care of the baby but to take care of yourself. To try and do it all yourself does nothing but put unrealistic expectations on you, giving you feelings of guilt when you’re unable to accomplish the impossible. It’s important to ask for and accept help.

Get Measured

Up to 80% of us are wearing the wrong bra size. Pregnancy and post-birth hormones have made changes to your body you might not be fully aware of. Getting measured only takes a minute, and a great bra is always a good buy.

Get Beautiful

Take time to fix your hair. Be brave and get a new low-maintenance hairstyle so that you can avoid the mom ponytail. Postpartum hair loss can be an issue for many new moms—when you start shedding, go to the salon and get a cute new cut.

Don’t Stop Being You

You had a life before the baby, hold on to your life after the baby. Of course, you won’t have as much time to dedicate to your interests but take an hour or two a week. Your partner can take over, or you can find a sitter or friend to watch the baby for a little bit. You need time to recharge your batteries and to remember who you are.

Get Support

Find a support system—family, friends, or a local teen who can act as a mother’s helper. You need time to take care of things like laundry, cleaning, gardening, or exercising. You also need people in your life who you can rely on in case of an emergency. Familiarizing yourself and your baby with somebody now will make it easier if it ever comes down to really needing help.

Stay Hydrated

We’re 70% water, so don’t slack on keeping up with your hydration. If you’re breastfeeding it is especially important to watch your fluid intake. Even if you’re not nursing, water is necessary to help maintain skin flexibility and joint protection.

Eat Good Food

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Fast food is easy but it’s not a substitute for real food. It takes less time to wash an apple than it does to order a donut and a coffee, and it’s much better for you, too.

Take A Time-Out

Don’t be afraid to let your baby cry alone for a few minutes. If you feel your blood pressure rising and you start to wonder why you thought being a mom sounded like a good idea, put the baby in his crib, close the door, and take a 5-minute break. You need to stay sane, and a few minutes of crying alone won’t hurt anybody’s development.

Go Easy On Yourself

Motherhood is a big adjustment. You spent your entire life only having to take care of your own needs, and that’s gone now. Coming to terms with the fact that you’re no longer numero uno can be a blow to the ego and can cause bumps along the way. Nobody starts out as the perfect mom–forgive yourself for not being perfect. Your baby loves you the way you are–you should too.

In summary, make sure your partner is making an equal effort when it comes to the baby’s care, and enlist the help of family and friends. If you have a friend that loves to cook, see if they’ll cook you an occasional meal. You might also ask for help with laundry, running errands, or babysitting (even if it’s just half an hour so you can take a long hot shower.). I hope you find this article helpful.



About the Author

A Public Speaker and Freelancer who is Interested in Writing articles relating to Personal Development, Love and Marriage.