Recent Health Updates On How To Treat Your Baby Tooth Decay(2023)

How to treat tooth decay in babies?

When it comes to treatment of baby tooth decay, there are many options.

1. Fillers

If detected early, healthy teeth can be maintained. The dentist will remove the infected part and fill it with inert materials, says the expert.

2. Pulpotomy

If cavities reach the nerve then a specialised procedure is done to save the tooth. It is called pulpotomy that usually require two to three sittings to clean the roots and fill with inert materials.

3. Crowns

Crowns are needed in some cases to restore aesthetics as well as well functioning of the tooth.

4. Extraction

In severely infected cases, extraction has to be performed, depending on age of the child and condition of the tooth.

5. Fluoride application

If the cavity problem just started, fluoride can be used. It is applied by the dentist at an early age so that the enamel becomes more resistant when it comes to the action of acids.

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A profuse writer that breach through the realms of science and literature crafting narratives.