Healthy Ways To Prevent Tooth Decay In Baby(2023)

Ways to prevent baby tooth decay

Instead of letting your child go through the pain of having tooth decay, Dr Yadav says it is better to prevent cavities  from happening. Here is how to prevent cavities:

• Clean your baby’s teeth, gums and tongue at least twice every day, using a clean wet cloth or sterile cotton after feeding and at bedtime.
• Clean your baby’s teeth and gums after giving medicines as they also have sugar.
• Use a bottle only during feeding time. Make sure not to use a milk bottle as a pacifier.
• Do not put baby to bed with a milk bottle in mouth.
• Avoid giving sugary drinks and juice, especially between meals.
• Avoid giving sticky snacks or chocolates that stick on teeth and stay for a long time.
• Start brushing the baby teeth as soon as the first one appears.
• Use fluoride toothpaste for children.
• Visit your dentist regularly for early detection of cavities.

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A profuse writer that breach through the realms of science and literature crafting narratives.