Top 5 Best Indications Your Ex-Partner Will Return In 2023

Will my ex come back? Everybody and each relationship is different, so it’s impossible to say for sure one way or the other. But if you’re interested in getting back together with your ex there are a few signs to look for that will tell you if it’s worth your time to wait or it’s time to move on.

5 signs your ex wants to come back:

1. The two of your still have plans.
Whether or not you want to be friends with an ex after a breakup is up to you, but if your ex says that they want to be friends at the end of your breakup talk,  and you guys still have a lot of plans together, it could mean that the door is still open. After the breakup, see how they act and how much contact they keep. If your favorite band is in town and you both go, or if you’re mutual friends are throwing a party and you decide to show up together, that may show that they still think of you as a unit and might be interested in moving past friendship again.

2. They miss you.
If your ex tells you that they miss you or they miss how you two were together, it’s a pretty clear sign that they’re thinking about getting back together. When an ex says that they miss you, it means they’ve spent some time apart from you and they realize how much they value the relationship. The distance is giving them clarity that they didn’t have when you were together.

3. They still text you.
For most people, texting is our primary way to communicate. Letters were the way lovers sent sultry proclamations of love to one another in the past but now it’s texting. Singles on dating apps decided whether or not to meet through texts. People fall in love over text. People who have broken up recently with the intention of moving on should not be texting. If you’re ex is frequently hitting your line, it means that they’re thinking about you and not just as friends.

4. You’re getting drunk dials and calls at odd hours of the night.
It’s said that your true colors come out at night… or when you’re drinking. If you’re receiving drunken calls from your ex, it means that they’re thinking of  you when they’re a little less inhibited. There’s a good chance that they want to get back together, but be careful. It could be they’re just feeling lonely and miss the connection and not the relationship.. Sober calls in the middle of the night are similar. They miss the comfort of your presence before tucking in for the night.

5. They’re blowing up their social media to make you jealous.
This one is far from a sure thing, but sometimes after a breakup an ex will go hyperactive on social media. They’ll post a bunch of activities that they now have the time for. If these activities feature potential partners or obvious flirting they might be trying to make you jealous. This goes double for direct messages and Snaps. It can definitely be cover for them missing you.

About the Author

A prolific love author who specializes in creating love stories often focused on the romantic connections between people which readers can identify with.