Valentine’s Day Proposal Ideas: 10 Tactics To Impress Her

We are aware that you are eager to learn about these excellent suggestions for the project, but please be patient. Never skip this section since there are things you need to do and be aware of before asking the big question, “Will you marry me?”

1. Have a heart-to-heart talk about marriage

Way before you make your valentine’s proposal, engage in a heart-to-heart conversation with your girl about the prospect of marriage.

Tell her about how you feel about getting settled and start a family. Ask her how she feels about being married. Does she envision the rest of her life with you? Is she comfortable talking about starting a family, etc.?

During your conversation, reflect on these questions:

  • Are you both ready to settle down?
  • Do you both want children?
  • Are you both willing to contribute in terms of finances?
  • What are your work arrangements?

2. Know your partner’s ideas about marriage

During your conversation, get as much information as possible about her idea of marriage. Does she prefer being married? If she is, what is her ideal wedding? Squeeze in as many details about the things that she likes, what would make her happy, etc. Is she a romantic person, practical, traditional, conservative, etc.?

This information will help you plan a perfect proposal for her, which will lead to a well-planned wedding day.

3. Check your bank account

The tricky part about getting married is being financially prepared. Whether you like it or not, you cannot plan that romantic proposal with a few bucks in your pocket; how much more is a wedding day?

Ergo, make sure that you are financially capable of handling the expenses of a wedding and, most importantly, starting a family after the wedding.

4. That ideal ring for her

Here’s a disclaimer: You can propose without an engagement ring. But if you have the means to get her a ring, why not? , a diamond is the most preferred center stone for an engagement.

However, not all women are lured by diamonds. Know the personal preference of your fiancée when it comes to engagement rings. On the other hand, if you think an engagement ring is an unnecessary expense, a beautiful bouquet of flowers will do.

5. Ask your married friends

The saying is true that experience is the best teacher. Learn from your peers who have already been there and done that. Listen to their stories about how their proposal went.

Study the best practices; learn what worked and what did not work, what not to do and what to do, and know the best and most effective proposal plan.

6. Don’t loan money just to impress your girl

Borrowing money is the absolute worst thing you can do. Do not spend what you cannot afford to pay. Believe us, it is a living hell to be married while you’re broke. To be brutally blunt about it, love alone can’t feed you.

7. Don’t post your engagement on social media before telling your family


Nobody wants to be the last to know, especially if it is your family. Suppose your partner says yes, keep your matching snapshots, selfies, and what not to yourselves first.

Do not post until you have officially announced your engagement to your family and nearest friends. This way, you could avoid making family members feel bad about being informed.

8. Decide whether to go public or private

By this time, you must know what your partner likes or dislikes. If she is outgoing and loves the attention of people around her, go for a public proposal. If she is a very private person, hates to be the center of attention, and values her personal space, go for an intimate, private proposal.

9. Keep it simple and sincere

Do you know what is the most touching and heart-fluttering? Sincerity.

An honest and sincere promise of love is more valuable than the most lavish but superficial proposal. You don’t have to spend a fortune on your proposal; what is important is that you have exerted time and great effort to pull it off.

10. Chill together

Do not give in to the pressure of people around you. You, more than anybody else, should decide when to spill out that controversial question of a lifetime. Some family members, friends, and relatives give unsolicited advice.

Some would put undue pressure on you by asking: “When are you getting married? Why aren’t you proposing already?” and similar tiresome questions. Don’t do it because you feel pressured; do it because you are ready for it.
























About the Author

A prolific love author who specializes in creating love stories often focused on the romantic connections between people which readers can identify with.