Understanding The Totality Of A Karmic Relationship

What is a Karmic Relationship

The thing about relationships is that we’re going to repeat patterns until we learn our lesson. Your lesson is likely different from mine, but if you find yourself dating the same type of person over and over or having strikingly similar experiences, you need to stop and read about karmic relationships and why you keep finding them.

1. You Feel a Strong Connection

Karmic relationships could feel like you’ve finally met your soulmate.

There’s an undeniable connection and chemistry between you. You’ll want to believe that this is the person you’re meant to be with based on the power of the connection.

It’s not just a matter of attraction, although that will be plentiful. There’s also a deep bond, and you may feel like you’ve known them forever. A karmic relationship is one you’re going to have a hard time resisting because it will seem to align with what you want.

2. You Ignore Red Flags

Another key sign of karmic relationships is that you ignore red flags. It’s not that they’re hidden. It’s that you intentionally explain, justify, or deny them.

This is how you’re repeating patterns. It’s also the biggest clue that you need to resolve the karmic issues present to be able to move beyond this type of relationship.

Without taking a hard look at the red flags you know on some level are there, you won’t be able to master the lessons and move on. Instead, you’ll be stuck repeating an unhealthy relationship dynamic and perhaps even blaming everyone else for something you’re doing to yourself.

3. You Bring Out the Worst in Each Other

In a karmic relationship, you bring out the absolute worst in each other. While you might normally be an absolute delight, the karmic partner will bring out the side of you that few people have seen. You’ll find that you’re constantly triggering each other — even when you don’t mean to do it.

While a soulmate relationship or a twin flame connection will bring your best self to the surface, the karmic relationship brings out your worst.

That can feel defeating, but you can’t heal those wounds if you can’t see them. In this respect, the karmic relationship does you a favor. By bringing those issues to the surface, you’re being offered an opportunity to heal.

4. Your Relationship is Filled with Miscommunication

You’ll notice that miscommunications abound in a karmic relationship. No matter how closely connected and attached you feel to the other person, you’ll misunderstand them, and they’ll misunderstand you.

In fact, it’s like you’re speaking a different language. Wires keep getting crossed. No matter how hard you try, they just don’t seem to get you any more than you get them.

It’s frustrating. Part of the problem is that you’re both reliving a karmic pattern. Even if those patterns are similar, you’re going to react in different ways to feeling triggered.

Everything might feel like a personal attack — even when it’s not. You can’t help but take things personally in a karmic relationship because the purpose of one is to bring your issues front and center where you can finally deal with them.

5. The Relationship is Codependent

Most karmic relationships have an element of codependence. You have an unhealthy attachment where you overly rely on your partner — and they overly rely on you. It’s more than just supporting one another. You begin to feel as though you can’t live without them. The thought of not having them in your life is devastating — even when you’re not happy with the relationship dynamic.

About the Author

A prolific love author who specializes in creating love stories often focused on the romantic connections between people which readers can identify with.