Health Diagnosis And Treatment Of Thyroid(2023)

Diagnosis of Thyroid

Most of the time, thyroid disease becomes difficult to diagnose because the symptoms can overlap with other diseases. But certain tests can help you determine whether you have thyroid or not.

Blood tests

  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test: It helps determine high or low levels of thyroid hormone production.
  • T3 and T4 tests: They confirm the diagnosis and determine the specific type of thyroid disorder. High levels of the thyroid hormone indicate hypothyroidism and low levels indicate hyperthyroidism.
  • Your doctor may ask you to get some other tests, including cholesterol levels, glucose, and specialised thyroid tests.

Medical history

Your doctor will consider your symptoms, family history, and past medical conditions. They will also conduct a physical examination, which will involve checking your skin, hair, and nails.

Thyroid antibody tests

If an autoimmune thyroid disorder is suspected, specific antibody tests are conducted to diagnose the problem.

Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) test

This test measures how much iodine the thyroid gland takes up from the bloodstream. It helps differentiate between different causes of hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid ultrasound

An ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of the thyroid gland. It helps identify nodules, inflammation, and other structural abnormalities. It has a grading system to assess the goitre and plan further management. However, ultrasound thyroid is not required unless there is a goitre.

Treatment of Thyroid

The type of thyroid, severity, and underlying causes of thyroid influence treatment. Typically, one or more of the following are used to treat the two main types of thyroid: hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Thyroid hormone replacement therapy: The most common treatment for hypothyroidism is taking synthetic thyroid hormone medication, such as levothyroxine. This medication helps restore normal thyroid hormone levels and alleviates the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

About the Author

A profuse writer that breach through the realms of science and literature crafting narratives.