5 Signs That the Honeymoon Stage Is Over

So what are the signs that you are coming toward the end of the honeymoon stage?

The following list describes some of those signs that the honeymoon period is indeed coming to an end, but more importantly, also explains what these signs mean in the broader context of your relationship as a whole – and how they can actually be a good thing.

1. You’re more comfortable with each other

The fact is that there comes a point in a relationship when you stop holding it in.

Whereas previously, you would have suffered stomach cramps with heroic endurance in a desperate bid to keep your good standing, trying to impress eventually has less importance.

And that’s a good thing. It shows that not only do you feel comfortable with each other, but that you are at last comfortable with yourselves. Enjoy the freedom!.

2. Communication slows down a bit

Do you remember when you were constantly on the phone with each other, and in those brief moments that you weren’t, the popping tones of newly arrived text messages were constant?

Well, that may have slowed down to a point where you’re both communicating with each other at a far slower rate – at normal punctuations in the daytime routine.

This isn’t something that particularly needs to be mourned. All it means is that the desperate need to remind the other of your presence is no longer quite so insistent.

And let’s face it, you’re probably being far more productive now that you’re not on the phone 24 hours a day.

3. You get annoyed by the little things

In the first throes of love, you appear to be blind to any faults and flaws that your partner might have.

When the honeymoon stage is over, however, suddenly you realize they have all these pretty irritating habits.

They play with their phone at the dining table instead of talking to you, they leave the toilet seat up, and they never wear matching socks.

Even things you used to think were cute suddenly start to get on your nerves – they just aren’t as adorable as they used to be.

4. You fancy them a little bit less

You used to think they were super gorgeous and every single time you met up with them, your heart would do a little flutter at how attracted you were to them. Now, you think those trainers look really dumb, or their haircut makes them look a bit weird.

5. The masks come off

That whole thing that you do during the honeymoon period where you’re constantly trying to impress the apple of your eye with tales of how wonderful you are, well, that can stop now.

Most people wear a “mask” of their best selves, but you can’t keep it on forever. If they love you, they’ll love you for who you are, and this is one ending to the honeymoon period that pretty much everyone is probably happy about.

About the Author

A prolific love author who specializes in creating love stories often focused on the romantic connections between people which readers can identify with.