Heading To School To Research Your Wife In 2023

Wifes should be studied! .

Become a lifelong learner of your spouse. Some things you learn may be great and others not so great, but ultimately it’ll help you connect more intimately with your wife. It’s time we all go back to school to study our wives. Below are five reasons going back to school to study your wife is a great idea as well as five practical study habits you can develop to make it happen.

One of the two best pieces of advice I heard prior to getting married was this: Study Your Spouse!

I took that advice to heart, and I believe it’s one reason I am so happily married. I can also say my husband knows how to do this very well! You too can have a happier marriage if you learn to do the same thing.

A prerequisite for doing this successfully is to truly care about your spouse’s well-being. If you’re only looking out for your own happiness you’ll overlook important things about your spouse that may mean the difference between peace and conflict, misery and satisfaction.

Think of your spouse as something valuable and intricate, such as a high-performance automobile or a prize-winning flower garden. There’s more to your husband or wife than you will ever completely comprehend. But the more you understand about them the more they will shine, and the better you will be able to enjoy the richness of your relationship – not to mention avoiding a lot of pain and conflict

7 Reasons to Go Back to School to Study Your Wife

  1. “To know your wife like nobody else knows her is an amazing thing and something you should desire.”

    To be the expert in your wife. To know your wife like nobody else knows her is an amazing thing and something you should desire.
  2. To keep things fresh. Your relationship will never get stale because you will continue to discover new things about her.
  3. To stay sharp. Ever been caught off guard by something she said or did? When you constantly learn about her, her habits, her likes/dislikes, etc., you aren’t caught off guard as much.
  4. To increase desire. I want to be attracted to my wife in all areas forever! When you learn about someone, you tend to desire them more and more, and it just may go both ways.
  5. To increase self-discovery. The more I learn about my wife, the more I learn about myself which helps me to keep growing and becoming the best I can be.

7 Practical Study Habits to Learn More About Your Wife

  1. Listen to her. Groundbreaking idea, huh? I list this with full disclosure. I’m not the best listener, but when I really intently listen to her, I learn a lot. Be intentional about this.
  2. Spend regular and frequent time together alone. Block at least 15 minutes daily for each other, and date weekly. Just spending 15 minutes together per day will provide a consistent opportunity to talk and learn more about one another, just like dating will, and it’s fun.
  3. Exercise together. Striving for and achieving fitness goals together is amazing. You’ll learn a lot about her in how she responds when stressed, when challenged, when tired, and when succeeding.
  4. Read books together. Grab some books on marriage and parenting, or money and fitness, or just a fiction book. As you discuss it, you’ll get more insight into her thoughts and her feelings.
  5. Pray for her and with her. Prayer is very intimate, and you’ll learn a lot. When we pray for our wives and ask God for help, I believe He gives insight to us about our wives as well. Pray daily and  see what happens.
  6. Cook with her; help her out while she prepares meals
  7. Bath together; have shower times alone with her for more closure

About the Author

A prolific love author who specializes in creating love stories often focused on the romantic connections between people which readers can identify with.