6 Ways to Step Up From Casual Dating to a Relationship In 2023

Now that you know the signs that you’re moving from dating to a relationship, how do you actually make it happen? Here are some tips you’d be wise to follow:

1. Don’t rush to DTR immediately

There is no reason to rush to define the relationship. Sure, you might be really excited about this person, but it’s probably best to take your time.

The reason for that is that if you jump in too soon, you don’t really know each other that well yet. So, take your time.

2. Bring it up lightly

Being needy and clingy about going from dating to a relationship is unattractive. That will just push your partner farther away. So, you need to be cool about it. Bring it up casually and lightly and be okay with whatever response you get from them.

3. Unplug to connect

Try something a little outside your comfort zone from time to time.

For example, check out a craft beer festival or try zip lining. Doing something that is different from what you normally do will bond you and make you grow closer.

4. Let your selfless side shine

No one wants to be in a relationship with a selfish person. So, make sure that you let your partner know that their feelings, wants, and needs matter to you. Be selfless and show them affection and nice gestures. A word of caution, however—don’t be a doormat.

5. Maintain your autonomy—and theirs too

Just because you want to be in a relationship with this person doesn’t mean that you should spend 24/7 together.

In fact, that’s never healthy. You both should have your own life. Go out with your friends and do your own thing from time to time.

6. Show you care

If you are a stoic person and hard to read, then you will have to put forth some effort to show your partner that you care about them. Why would they want to be in a relationship with you if they didn’t think you cared? So, be brave and show your feelings.

About the Author

A prolific love author who specializes in creating love stories often focused on the romantic connections between people which readers can identify with.