10 inexcusable reasons why women cheat

inexcusable reasons why women cheat

Photo by Max Ilienerwise on Unsplash

10 inexcusable reasons why women cheat

Some people might have this misconception that men are the only ones who cheat. Well like just stated, it’s a misconception because no one is exempted from the feelings of temptation. So, women do cheat as well.

Gone are the days when the % of men who cheat were way higher than that of women. In this century, yes men still cheat more from research but the % is no longer as high because women are now even unfaithful nearly as often as men.

I feel its often easier for women to catch a cheating man because women are natural detectives compared to men. But all the same, It’s clear that both women and men cheat, and they often do so in spite of the fact that they still love their partners.

Before I continue, If you’re a female  reading this  and probably wondering why I’m  writing about women who cheat, well calm down because I have already written about why men cheat here — “12 Inexcusable Reasons Why Men Cheat

Women tend to be more unhappy with the relationship they are in, Fisher says, while men can be a lot happier in their primary relationship and also cheat”.

Fisher found that 34% of women who had affairs were actually happy in their marriage while 56% of men who had affairs were happy in their marriage. This explains a lot if you ask me.

Anyways, Every affair is different, and so are every woman’s reasons for her involvement. Here are the major reasons why women cheat.




  1. No Intimacy and Emotional Connection

This, as well as point number 2, is obviously one of the top reasons why women cheat. It is no news that women are emotional beings who crave intimacy far more than men.

Women tend to feel valued and connected to a significant other more through non-sexual, emotional interplay (talking, having fun together, being very thoughtful and romantic, building a home and social life together, etc.) than sexual activity. Even with sexual activity, they still often crave intimacy and emotional connection. They enjoy it better when they can feel that bond with their significant other. When they’re not feeling that type of connection from their primary partner, they may seek it elsewhere.

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  1. Lonely and Unhappy (Lack of attention, care & communication)

This point is a very crucial one and as you can see its more or less like a 5 in 1 point so I would get a little bit detailed with it.

So a lady was asked why she cheated and this was her response:

“Spur of the moment. I was drunk and my boyfriend had been acting very cold/distant toward me for a while. I missed the attention of feeling wanted and loved. I was lonely”

The no intimacy and emotional connection mentioned earlier can also lead to this loneliness. But other major factors that can bring about this would be a lack of attention, communication, care or concern. As mentioned earlier, I clearly showed how the % of women who cheat while still happy in their relationship are low.

This proves to us that majority of women who cheat are most times unhappy in their relationship and not well taken care of (this doesn’t necessarily mean money terms but rather taking care of her by showering her with love, care and attention).

Can she run to you to whine when she has a terrible day and get a good response or feel better? Or would she be seen as talking too much, nagging or disturbing you?

Sadly, sometimes some ladies can’t comfortably run to their partner when something is up. Women love attention and when they aren’t getting attention from their spouse and start getting it from someone else, you’d find them often running to that someone else who’s always willing to respond and who they slowly build the connection they desire with.

Someone who not only pays attention but enjoys having them in their space and listening to every single detail, makes them feel better and most importantly makes them feel loved.

It could seem as just talking, nothing else (after all she doesn’t necessarily love them). But, it often starts with just talking. They say “a dick to cry on is a dick to ride on” That “just talking”(accompanied with emotions)  is what eventually makes them vulnerable to such person and therefore the possibility of cheating becomes really high if the chance arises.

The moment another man begins to put the smiles that you can’t put on the face of your partner, they might be prone to cheat ( PS: this doesn’t mean any other man your partner randomly smiles at or laughs to becomes a threat. No, I don’t mean that, before you allow insecurity to spoil your relationship and not the cheating we are talking about – LOL. If you start feeling insecure as though you want to lose her, finding out if she is cheating shouldn’t be your first point of action but rather stepping up your love game bro! It can go a long way to even avoid what has not yet even taken place.

Women can experience loneliness in a relationship for so many reasons. Maybe it is a long-distance relationship or their spouse works long hours or travels for business on a regular basis, or maybe their spouse is emotionally unavailable. Whatever the cause, they feel lonely, and they seek connection through infidelity to fill the void. If it’s genuinely work, the partner could be understanding. Still, work shouldn’t make you completely blackout. Even in understanding, it might still not change the loneliness much.

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  1. Anger and feeling unappreciated

We all know how unstable women can be especially when upset. Little thing like this they start getting all dramatic and be like ‘ its over, have a happy life’ (even when they don’t mean it). Well, I ain’t even referring to those ones who just display anger to get attention. But rather one who is actually really upset due to whatever reasons. That serious anger and instability can push her to cheat.

Take the case of married women, for instance, they could get upset when they feel unappreciated, neglected, or ignored. When they feel more like a housekeeper, nanny, or financial provider than a wife or girlfriend. So they seek an external situation that validates them for who they are rather than the services they perform.

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  1. Revenge

Some women could cheat to get back at their partner. Take for example she goes through your phone and realizes that you are cheating on her. That also would get her really pissed off and she wouldn’t even mind cheating on you too since she now knows that you are just fooling around  Though in most cases even after doing that they would probably still break up with you if they choose to be unforgiving. The question is what’s the essence of now doing it? Well, even though, it doesn’t make them feel good or okay with your actions exactly but I guess some people find solace in payback.


  1. Little or no love

Obviously, when there is actually little or no love in a relationship a woman can cheat the same way a man can too without remorse. And by this, I don’t only mean when you don’t love her but most importantly when she doesn’t love you enough ( has little or no love for you). Indirectly, she doesn’t really care much and doesn’t mind losing you.

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  1. Sexually unsatisfied

So a wife who cheated was asked why she did and this was the response:

“My husband only wanted sex once a month, refused to be romantic, and divorce would have been bad for the kids.”

Another lady who cheated was asked why she did and she said:

” We stuck to abstinence during courtship but after marriage, I realized he isn’t good in bed and doesn’t satisfy me at all. In fact, he makes it look like I’m a whore who just loves sex when I try talking to him or seek it”

Underperformance in bed and love for sex can also push a woman as well to cheat. There is a societal misconception that only men enjoy sex. But plenty of women also enjoy sex, and if they’re not getting it at home, or it’s not enjoyable to them, for whatever reason, they may well seek it elsewhere.

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  1. Upbringing & mindset

Upbringing is not gender-biased. The same way it can be the reason for men, it can be for women too. Our upbringing always has a great role in shaping us as adults. We all come from different homes and grew with a different mentality. Going through tough times as a kid certainly doesn’t guarantee someone will grow up to be unfaithful — but it may make a person more likely to cheat. The types of lifestyles we learn from our parents. If one grows up with parents who were unfaithful to each other, they could imbibe a mentality that it is okay.

Better still, if a girl experienced her father’s unfaithfulness and mother’s complaints and hurting. It could make her grow up feeling insecure and with the mindset that men cheat. Then just imagine she has been in past relationships where she was cheated on. Obviously she would stick to the mentality that “all men are the same”. In fact, this is another major reason why women cheat. ” all men are the same, after all, he would cheat on me as well or what makes me so sure that he isn’t even cheating “.  she wouldn’t want to end up soaking on her couch like her mum or getting played again by a man. So It becomes a thing of play him before he plays me (it’s a defence mechanism to prevent getting hurt). This becomes more or less a psychological problem. It would take a really worthy man to change this mentality.

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  1. Selfish

A woman who is selfish and self-centred also has a great tendency of cheating because she cares about only herself and is not considerate of the feelings of her partner. For men, selfishness is more about wanting to taste everything. That’s why you can see a man with a really pretty and Sexy wife and yet he would still cheat with someone not even up to her standard.

Also in the case of a woman, it is not often rampant for a woman to have all she wants and still look outside as much as it is for men. But selfishness could make her not to be contented. This selfishness could be for the sake of money. You know, enjoying the feeling of being spoilt by another man. She might not necessarily love the man the way she loves her partner but enjoys the spoiling which could eventually make her cheat. Everything still boils down to not being content.


  1. The problem of ex’s

These oftentimes goes both ways for both men and women actually. Sometimes hanging around your ex and talking to them way more often than normal can leave you at the good edge of cheating, more so if it is an ex you loved deeply and there are still some leftover feelings for them. In fact, the probability of cheating becomes high if the opportunity arises except there are no feelings at all but still there should always be some level of boundaries.


  1. Lack of self-control

I always like reserving self-control for last cause like I always say; it’s often the crown behind all other reasons. Lack of self-control and discipline is often what makes one do what they do not want to because if you can control yourself and thoughts,  you can as well control your actions.

Recommended: see how to control your thoughts

Researchers at the Department of Psychology at Texas A&M University discovered that men have stronger sexual impulses, while women have better self-control. However, most women these days often fall, victims of infidelity, because they simply lack self-control.

Another Lady who cheated on her partner was asked  her reason and she said:

“there’s just something infinitely sexy about something or someone new”

Sometimes it happens in this form too. They meet someone new, someone, probably more handsome or better than their partner in many other areas and the whole moment of getting to know each other can be a really exciting one for women. And of course, one who lacks self-control and isn’t disciplined enough to accept that such acquaintance becomes a threat to her relationship and quickly back out from getting too close could eventually end up cheating.

So, guys, these are the top 10 reasons why women cheat. You could add some of yours in the comment section below.


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A Love Doctor Who Passionately Shares Love And Finance Tips