20 Ways To Be A Better Man In 2024

1. Get Comfortable ‘Being a Man

We live in a world today where it’s almost ‘taboo’ to be masculine.

But if we want to become powerful, effective men, we need to let go of our culture’s weird ideas about manhood.

Learn to become comfortable in your own skin. Own your masculinity. Take pride in who and what you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step to becoming a better man.

2. Pay Your Bills and Wake Up on Time

In other words, get more responsible. 

No more missed bill payments. No more showing up for work late.

Show up to work on-time or 10 minutes early. Take control of the things in your life that need to get done, and make sure that they get done on time.

As Jordan Peterson says, “Pick up your responsibility. Pick up the heaviest thing you can, and carry it.” 

Stop staying up till all hours of the night playing video games, then rolling into work late, hung-over, and sleep deprived.

Have more pride than that. You’re capable of so much more.

3. Run A Lot, and Pick Up Heavy Stuff

Save Arnold Schwarzenegger: 5 Rules for Success Part 1motivationdrive.comArnold Schwarzenegger is an inspiration for all of us and surely a true success story. This man succeeded in each and every venture he entered. He is a true source of inspiration and motivation for millions of people. From bodybuilding to acting, from acting to politics, he came out as a winner everywhere. He conquered the unconquerable. Let’s explore his five rules for success:

In other words—start working out.

Run, stretch, and lift weights.

Make it a daily habit.

Whether it’s yoga, boxing, hiking, etc. Get your body moving.

Increasing your exercise levels will drastically improve your health, get you laid more often, help you to feel better, and make you happier.

It just makes you a better man—pure and simple.

4. Adopt a Healthier Diet

Drink more water. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, cut out junk food, and stop eating bullsh*t.

The statistics on obesity in the United States are absolutely shocking.

In 2017-2018, the prevalence of obesity in the US was 42.4%.

Obesity-related conditions like Type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and heart disease are on the rise.

You owe it to yourself to be better and healthier than that.

Cut out sugar. Eat raw foods that’ll nourish your body.

Fuel your body for performance, and you’ll start feeling and performing better.


5. Start Taking Your Lifestyle Seriously

As a man, you have a certain image to uphold.

You also have character, reputation, and performance to consider.

You want to have productive relationships, a hot sex life, a good reputation, and to establish yourself as a man of honor, integrity, and grit.

This all comes down to the lifestyle choices  you make.

You get 24 hours every day to become the best man you’re capable of being.

How are you using your time? What habits are you investing in? How much time are you wasting on dumb crap that isn’t making your life better?

If you didn’t think they’d eventually come out with an app that pairs with your toothbrush, you haven’t been alive for the last 5 years. I’ve had the quip Smart Toothbrush for a few months now and going back to manual brushing really would feel like going back to 1990. It has strong vibrations, a long-lasting battery, and a sleek and stylish aesthetic. I’m all aboard the smart brush train.

Go to the gym, read a book, work on your business—do anything that’ll result in better habits, better performance, better outcomes, and better virility.

We only get one life, gentlemen. Start taking your lifestyle seriously.

6. Speaking of Style—Level That Up As Well

7 years ago, I had a shaved head, a tiny beard, a big gut, puny muscles, and a horrible sense of  style

I looked like a bald virgin potato. All I wore were huge t-shirts, discount jeans, and beat-up tennis shoes.

As a result, my sex life was basically nonexistent. I wasn’t taken seriously by anyone, and my self esteem was in the tank.

But, I turned it around—and if I can do it, anyone can do it.

Work on your own personal style. Start leveling up your clothing choices.  Go to a good barber to get a professional haircut. Get a professional beard trim.

7. Hustle, Get Money, Repeat

The more you learn, the more you earn.  Warren Buffett

One of the most cringe worthy things I hear from men is this:

“I don’t really care about money. I’m not greedy. I’m content with not having much.” 

A successful modern man will understand that money is essential to leveling up and winning.

It isn’t about having stuff.

It’s about pride, social status, power, and having the financial freedom to live life on your own terms.

Money is a valuable resource, and you need to understand how to create it for yourself.

Start by getting the highest-paying job you can get. Be the hardest working man in the room, always. 

Then, at night, start learning a high income skill.

For me, this was freelance writing.

Start a side hustle. Eventually, if you keep hustling, this side-hustle will replace your 9-to-5 income and seriously level-up your money game.

Next, work on building businesses, investments, websites, or other hustles.

Chase that money. Level up your income. Wake up every day with a ‘have skills, will grind’ mindset.

Women love it. Other men respect it. Money goes hand in hand with status and power.

Own it, men.



8. Fix Your Dating Life

Good sex is an inseparable part of overall well-being and happiness.

Let’s face it, men. We’re sexual creatures. 

And there’s no shame in that.

Sex is both a natural, animalistic, instinctual craving, and also a vital component of the expression of romantic love.

In fact, I think that Helen Fisher said it quite eloquently in her best selling book Why We Love: The Nature And Chemistry Of Romantic Love:

Freud, as well as many scholars and laymen, maintained that sexual desire is a central component of romantic love. Hardly a new idea. Those who study the Kama Sutra, the love manual of fifth century India, know that the word “love” comes from the Sanskrit, “Lubh,” meaning “to desire.” It certainly makes sense that feelings of romantic love are intertwined with sexual craving.

If we wish to become better men, we must level-up our dating game, and learn how to engage with women properly.

A healthy, strong man is also a sexually satisfied man. 

I’ll teach you all of the tools that you’ll need to know to achieve true dating abundance in your life. It’ll simply be up to you to put in the work and make it happen.

Want better results with women?

9. Develop Tribe-Building and Leadership Abilities

If you want to become a better man in today’s world, you must understand the value of leadership.

Read The Art Of War by Sun Tzu. Follow it up with Radical Candor by Kim Scott.

Understand that dominance hierarchies are real, and that climbing the hierarchy effectively gives you the power to not only affect greater positive change—but to also level-up your life in innumerable ways.

Building a tribe starts with your immediate friends and family.

Start taking on the responsibility of organizing things and leading important projects.

Learn how to mitigate disagreements peacefully. Learn to encourage, console, and motivate others.

Don’t be afraid to step into that leadership role.

Take responsibility, and make sure that team projects succeed.

As men, we need to become better, more effective leaders for our tribes, families, and communities.

This will create a better world, and make us better men in the process.


10. Find Your Purpose

SaveAyn  Rand Quotes on Life, Love and Capitalism Everyday PowerAyn Rand Quotes on Life, Love and Capitalism

Do you know what your purpose in life is?

When I coach men to help them improve their dating lives, this is one of the first questions I ask.

It’s an important question because it literally sets the tone for everything else in life. 

If you’re not sure how to find your purpose, answer this question:

What problem do you want to solve in your lifetime?

Contemplating this question will give you valuable insight into what you should probably be doing.

Coasting through life without a purpose or a vision for your future isn’t going to do the trick.

A man without a purpose in life is like a ship lost at sea without a rudder.

11. Adopt the 5-Hour Rule

Some of the most influential people in our world (Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet, and others) utilize the 5-Hour Rule.

They spend 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, in ‘deliberate practice,’ leveling-up their knowledge and practicing to get better at something they want to master.

This could mean reading, studying, practicing a trade, etc.

Over time, this leads to personal mastery—which is a crucial element to success.


12. Stop Giving Away Your Power

If you’re like most men, you probably unknowingly give away small bits of your power throughout the day.

This can take many forms.

  • Saying ‘yes’ to things you don’t want to say yes to
  • Failing to maintain healthy boundaries
  • Going back on your decisions out of guilt
  • Caving in on things out of pressure
  • Spending time around people who ‘dull’ your happiness and free-spirit

As a man, you will become infinitely happier and better when you learn to keep your power instead of giving it away to the people around you.

Honor your own words.

Speak honestly. Learn to say ‘no’ to things that you don’t want to do.

Don’t agree with people or go along with them just to avoid conflict.

Stick to the course that feels truly right. This will do so much to help you become a better  man, and is desperately needed in our world.


13. Become a Dangerous Man

If all you know how to be is ‘nice,’ you can’t be virtuous.

Nice, harmless men aren’t ‘virtuous.’ They’re harmless.

There’s a quiet confidence that comes from learning how to be effectively violent and destructive, and yet choosing to be peaceful.

One way to level-up as a dangerous man is to study martial arts.

Start boxing. Take karate lessons. Take up MMA.

Start learning how to hurt people, destroy things, and take a beating.

This makes you dangerous, increases your confidence, and gives you the option to choose to be peaceful instead of forcing it upon you.

And by definition—you will literally become a better man as a result.

14. Cultivate a Certain Degree of Disagreeableness

“Nice guys finish last.” 

It’s as true as the day is long.

The problem is that nice guys have a tendency to let other people walk over them.

They shy away from conflict out of a fear of upsetting people.

But this makes you weak, and lowers your position in the dominance hierarchy.

Learn to stand up to people and use healthy conflict to solve problems. Learn to disagree without feeling bad about it. Learn to be tough without feeling guilty.

And if you have nice guy tendencies, read this book:

15. Confront and Defeat Your Shame

Carl Jung once said that “Shame is a soul-eating emotion.”

And he was correct.

If we look closely enough at our negative emotions, we’ll quickly recognize that the root causes are almost always rooted in shame. 

Men in our culture deal with many different types of shame. I believe that Robert Augustus Masters said it best in the following quote from his book To Be A Man: A Guide To True Masculine Power:

Shame is probably our most hidden and misunderstood emotion. It’s also the one most likely to motivate men to stay away from the help they need—and need to admit they need—which can range from psychotherapy to addiction programs. Performance anxiety is driven by shame; so is the drive to overachieve; so is the pressure to man up. Shame is behind the scenes much more often than you might think.


16. Find Thought Mentors and Follow  Them

Studies show that students with mentors are much more likely to advance their careers successfully.

And I can personally attest to this.

Early on in my journey to become a better man, I started listening to men I admired and wanted to emulate.

This included men like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Vaynerchuk,  Jordan Peterson, Dwayne Johnson, Rich Cooper, and others.

I started plugging these voices into my ears and listening to their wisdom.

I wanted high-level results. And my goal was to learn as much as possible from them.

It’s amazing how much we can learn from capable thought mentors.

Who do you admire in life? Find a way to plug their advice into your ears, and listen.

17. Stop Complaining and Start Fixing

If you wish to be a better man, one of the best things you can do in life is to stop complaining. 

Complaining doesn’t help to fix problems. In fact, it often only serves to perpetuate them—creating negative feedback loops that create more negative emotions, which then serve as self-fulfilling prophecies as we doom our lives to greater disaster as we complain about our current disasters.

Don’t get me wrong. There’s certainly room in your life for a conscious rant now and then.

But unfettered complaining will make you feel bad, and make everything worse.

So stop complaining, and start finding solutions.


18. Level Up Your Self-Discipline

If I want to be great I have to win the victory over myself…self-discipline.  Harry S. Truman

I love this quote.

Self-discipline is absolutely an essential key to becoming a better man, because through self-discipline we realize our potential, and act it out with greater efficiency—thereby making our lives better and creating more value in the world. 

Jim Rohn once said “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment.”

This is frighteningly true. What we don’t accomplish will only become regret when we grow older.

There’s nothing scarier than regret.

But every day, you can choose to become a more efficient version of yourself, and increase your self-discipline.

  • Focus for an extra 15 minutes on something important
  • Do one extra lap
  • Do one extra set of reps
  • Cut out one more junk-food snack

Little by little, we become better. It doesn’t have to be all at once. Just start building better self-discipline habits over time.


19. Write Down Your Goals

Let me share some shocking statistics with you.

People who regularly write down their goals earn 9 times as much as people who don’t. 

Alright. Now for the bad news.

Fewer than 4% of people actually write down their goals.

Start setting some goals for yourself.

There are many methods for goal setting. Just pick one and get started.

You don’t have to go crazy. Write down a few goals you would like to accomplish in the coming days, weeks, or months.

From there, you can level-up and continue to improve on it.

It’s a simple, but incredibly effective method for becoming a better man. 


20. Stop Wasting Time

Did you know that business owners and executives tend to waste about 22 hours per week on useless stuff?

Yep. That’s an entire day, gone.

Wasted time is no joke.

You never get it back.

One of the most fundamental ways to become a better man is to make better use of your time.

It’s super simple. Stop wasting time on bullshit.

Start making progress and fixing your life


About the Author

A prolific love author who specializes in creating love stories often focused on the romantic connections between people which readers can identify with.