Reasons Why Your Hair Stops Growing

Hair can stop growing or grow slowly for a variety of reasons including age, genetics, hormones, or stress. You may notice your hair stops growing in one spot or seems to be growing slowly on one side. There are plenty of treatment options for slow-growing hair, including medication. In this article, we shall discuss the reasons your hair stops growing.

At one point or another, all of us have looked in the mirror and thought, “Ugh, why the hell won’t my hair grow?” But can hair really stop growing, or is it all in our inpatient minds?

While it’s true that your hair probably hasn’t stopped growing altogether, there are some factors that can slow the growth or make it seem like the growth has been stunted.

Although this happens with age, it could also point to a serious underlying medical condition. It is important to understand the different causes of hair loss to ensure timely treatment. Poor lifestyle choices, pollution, stress, and an imbalanced diet are the major reasons your hair stops growing.

How Much Does Hair Grow In A Year?

Every person’s hair is genetically programmed to stop growing after reaching a particular length, after which it goes through the catagen, telogen, and exogen phases before growing again.

An average person’s hair grows at a rate of 6 inches per year, and usually, the anagen phase (growth phase) lasts between 2-6 years. However, different people have different hair growth cycles that are affected by many factors that we will discuss next.

A study that appeared in Animals documented the rate of hair growth (measured in centimeters) in horses for each month. While it was an equine study, it offers an intriguing perspective on how seasons can affect the rate of hair growth. As the graph indicates, horses’ hair grows the fastest in winter and the slowest in summer.

Why Won’t My Hair Grow?

Your hair follicles go through a growth cycle that has four phases: 1. Anagen phase (growing phase) 2. Catagen phase (transition phase) 3. Telogen phase (resting phase) and 4. Exogen phase (hair shedding phase).

Each hair follicle goes through this cycle, which determines the length and volume of a person’s tresses. If this cycle is disrupted due to any factor, normal hair growth is affected. Following are the most common reasons your hair stops growing:

1. Genetics

Did you know that the length, color, volume, and strength of your locks are governed by your genes? Yes, genes play a significant role in influencing your hair growth cycle.

If you have long, healthy, lustrous, and thick hair despite not taking much care of it, thank your genes. Otherwise, you need to put in extra effort to stop your hair from thinning and enhance its growth.

2. Stress Level

It is medically proven that any kind of physical or psychological stress is detrimental to hair growth. Stress triggers a condition called Telogen effluvium in which your hair enters the telogen phase (resting phase) prematurely, thus restricting 30% of its growth completely. Though this condition does not require any medical treatment and lasts no longer than six months, it does affect your hair growth cycle and cause hair loss. Elongation stoppage or growth cessation can be due to stress or environmental factors.

Exercise, dancing, swimming, therapy, yoga, and breathing exercises are some great ways to alleviate stress.

3. Age

Aging not only causes your hair to gray but also affects its growth because the anagen phase is known to get shorter as you grow older, leading to follicle dormancy. Also, your physical health and food habits – besides the lifetime of experiments with styling, processing, dyeing, bleaching, and treating your hair – affect your hair growth cycle. In other words, hair maturity can affect the hair growth cycle. As we age, the hair follicles become less active leading to follicle decline and scalp deterioration.

4. Hair Breakage

Normally, an average person’s hair grows at a rate of about 6 inches per year. If you observe that your hair is the same length even after a certain period, it might actually be breaking. This is also known as a growth plateau and is very common.

Hair breakage can be caused by both inadequate or excessive care. Overprocessing and heat styling your hair excessively may result in the loss of moisture and elasticity, causing it to become dry and brittle and leading to breakage.

5. Split Ends

People with dry hair usually get split ends. If your hair does not receive enough nutrients to balance the moisture levels, its ends will start splitting, resulting in breakage. You cannot undo split ends, and the only way to stop them from causing further hair breakage is to cut them off. You must take adequate care of your hair to avoid split ends and breakage.

6. Hairstyles And Styling Products

The chemical treatments, products, and processes used to style your hair have a big impact on its health and growth. The build-up of oils and products on your scalp can block the follicles and impede hair growth or cause development disruption.

Complicated hairstyles that involve a lot of combing, pulling your hair tight, and the use of serums can also lead to hair damage. Excessive styling and the use of chemical products will not only stop your hair growth but also cause scalp diseases that can lead to permanent hair loss or follicle damage. Also, Scalp condition changes such as dandruff or other infections such as psoriasis can lead to growth impediment.

Quick Tip

Use hair products that cater to your specific hair type or hair issue. For instance, a product for curly hair may not work well on straight hair and impede hair growth. Similarly, using alcohol-based products on dry hair will dry it out further and make it vulnerable to damage.

7. Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system harms the cells in your hair follicles and causes your hair to fall out in patches. It can also lead to growth termination and follicle death.

Scientists believe that this condition might be genetically inherited, and people diagnosed with hay fever, vitiligo, Down syndromepernicious anemia, asthma, and thyroid issues have a higher risk of developing it. However, proper medication and phototherapy can treat this condition.

8. Lack Of Exercise And Healthy Diet

We are sure you have heard of the phrase, “You are what you eat.” A healthy diet and exercise routine are very important for hair growth. Just like your body, your hair also requires adequate vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to grow.

In fact, doctors suggest people take certain multivitamins in addition to a healthy diet to boost hair growth. Deficiencies of iron, protein, zinc, vitamin A, or biotin can weaken your hair, subjecting it to damage and loss.

However, if you take adequate intake of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to nourish your hair follicles and strengthen your tresses, you can prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. Also, keeping your mind as healthy as your body does great wonders for your hair.

9. Dry Hair And Scalp

A dry scalp and brittle tresses are signs of unhealthy hair. Scalp changes such as lack of moisture or imbalance in the moisture levels can make your hair dry, leading to breakage and restricting its growth.

Prolonged dryness of your scalp also leads to the development of infections that cause patchy hair loss. Therefore, you need to moisturize your hair with natural products and methods to promote healthy hair growth.

10. Thyroid Problems

Irregularities in the production of hormones by the thyroid gland can also have a negative impact on your hair. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect hair growth as they affect your body’s functionality and metabolism, thereby causing hair thinning and hair fall.

11. Childbirth And Breastfeeding 

Hormonal imbalances after childbirth often result in what is known as postpartum hair loss. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and intake of additional nutritional supplements are necessary to minimize postpartum hair loss.

12. Poor Hair Care Regimen

An improper hair care regimen can have a major negative impact on your hair growth. Excessive styling, inadequate washing and conditioning, use of chemical products, inefficient hair care tools, and hair-damaging accessories indicate a substandard hair care routine, which needs to be changed as soon as possible if you want thick, long, and healthy hair.

What Can Be Done If Your Hair Is Not Growing?

When you realize your hair is not growing anymore, it’s time to take proper care of it to minimize hair loss and damage. Once you figure out the reason for your reduced hair growth, you can try out various ways to prevent excess hair fall.

A proper hair care routine, adequate diet, and regular exercises to keep your body and mind healthy, following the prescribed medication for the treatment of complicated health issues, avoiding over-styling your hair, and replacing chemical products with natural and environment-friendly ones are some ways to maintain healthy hair and protect it from further damage and loss.

In summary, you realize your hair growth has probably stopped when your hair seems to have lost its volume, looks thin, and does not grow long even after a prolonged time. Several factors affect hair growth. Hence, finding the underlying reason and making the necessary changes is essential.

Check out the common reasons hair stops growing and how you can treat and prevent this condition.

About the Author

A Public Speaker and Freelancer who is Interested in Writing articles relating to Personal Development, Love and Marriage.