Building a healthy and adorable relationship: 8 tips

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Photo by Carly Rae Hobbins on Unsplash

Building a healthy and adorable relationship: 8 tips

Hi guys. Today on relationship matters, we’ll be taking a look at 8 tips to build a healthy and adorable relationship.

Love is the foundation of any form of a happy and romantic relationship. However, it takes more than love for any relationship to work.

All parties involved needs to play his/her part. I’ll advise you to see the article on the role of each partner in a relationship.

Without much ado, let’s take a look at some tips on building a healthy and adorable relationship.

  1. Open communication

Research has shown that open communication is the best way to build your relationship. A healthy relationship doesn’t avoid conflict but knows how to keep the line of communication open.

Also, the happy couple knows the best conversation happens without the distraction of phones, laptops, other people etc.

  1. Physical attention

Aside from satisfying our sexual desires, physical attention has a lot of benefits. It releases feel-good hormones, it reduces blood pressure, it helps to reduce stress, it improves mood and helps with high relationship satisfaction.

Mind you, physical attention does not necessarily have to be sex. Showing physical attention can be as easy as holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling etc. It’s worth it if you want a happy relationship.

  1. Create couples ritual

Yeah, you heard it right. Take a little tip from how the occultic people behave. Set aside a day for some special occasion to add spice to your relationship.

Couple rituals can be every Friday should be a movie night, every Saturday a date night, always have your coffee together etc. It helps to promote togetherness in your relationship.

  1. Eat together

Families that eat together, stay together. Having dinner together as a couple/family is an avenue to connect both physically, emotionally and spiritually. It helps keep the relationship together.

Eating good healthy food together at a table will not only encourage good nutrition, but provide a regular, sacred space for conversation and laughter.

  1. Understand the ups and downs in a relationship

You have to understand that all relationship has its happy moments and sad moments. Knowing this will make you not to make detrimental decisions during the lows in your relationship.

  1. Exercise together

If you’ve noticed, all the points as been about togetherness so far. This is no different. There is this feeling of oneness you get with who you exercise with. Then make this person your better half.

Psychology Today cites several studies that reports symptoms of physiological arousal (the type of high you from exercise) mimic the effects of romantic arousal. If you work out together, you feel good and lovemaking becomes better together.

  1. Keep the enthusiasm

This is one of the weaknesses of every relationship. It gets to a point that nothing new happens in the relationship and automatically, the sparks start fading.

However, there is a way you can keep the relationship as fresh as possible; by constantly trying new activities. This creates excitement and the uncertainty that comes from the unknown.

With these, you will keep learning new things from someone you know as well as the back of your hands.

  1. Set couple goals

Setting goals is one of the few ways we give our life meaning. You know there is something out there you need to achieve and which will make you satisfied and proud of yourself when you do.

Imagine how fun it will be when you and your better half are chasing certain goals together. You’ll be achieving the following things when you set goals together:

  • It makes both of you be moving in the same direction
  • Your wins are their wins
  • You can celebrate together each time you achieve a milestone

Studies have shown that one of the most important ingredients of happiness is striving to achieve goals you consider to be meaningful. Similar, one of the ingredients of a happy relationship is having a set goal you are trying to achieve together.


In conclusion, a strong, happy and healthy relationship doesn’t just happen. Each party needs to put in the effort to make it a successful one. Efforts to take care of the financial needs; mental needs; emotional needs and sexual needs in the relationship. Good luck as you apply these tips to make your relationship a healthy one.

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A Love Doctor Who Passionately Shares Love And Finance Tips