6 Undeniable Signs That a Man Wants to Build a Relationship With You

Signs a man wants to build a relationship with you

6 Undeniable Signs That a Man Wants to Build a Relationship With You

Description: While dating, every woman will wonder, “Is this relationship serious? Will it lead somewhere?” If you are not sure about your man’s intentions, see our top tips to understand whether a man is serious about you and wants to build a relationship.

Riding couples

While dating brings many positive emotions and unforgettable moments, sooner or later, a woman will start wondering whether her partner is willing to build a closer relationship and marry her.

While there are no strict behavior rules for a man that is serious about you and wants to build a relationship, there are some obvious signs that he wants to make an effort to take your relationship to the next level.

If you have not met your partner yet, check out these best online dating sites, where you will find your true love or a friend, but relationships can be built from friendship, too.

If you are already in love and wondering whether your man wants to build a close relationship, read on.


He Tells You His Secrets

A man revealing his secrets

Men are generally rather reserved and rarely talk about their secrets unless you are very close to them.

If your partner can entrust you with his private information, he is more likely to want to build a stronger relationship with you.

If you get to know this information, do not be judgmental or negative about it, whatever these secrets are.

To build a serious relationship with a man, you should also tell him your secrets to build trust and confidence.

If a man is open and honest with you, he definitely wants to build a close, strong relationship with you.


He Surprises You

A man surprising his partner

If you quickly mentioned that you like white peonies and he got a huge bouquet the next day, or if you once said that you had never visited an amusement park, and he invites you there, he takes you seriously.

If a man is generous with you and tries to surprise you to improve your mood, he does want to build a better relationship with you. Also, if a man makes an effort to make you happy, he wants to take your relationships to the next level and build trust.


He Is Attentive

A man paying attention to his partner

If a man looks after you and pays attention to the little things, he is very interested in you.

When he sees you off to your apartment or calls to see if you got home, he cares about you and wants to build a relationship of trust.

He will pay for you in a cafe, help you carry your bags, always make sure you are dressed warmly and are not hungry.

If you tell him that someone offended you, he will immediately find that person and sort the conflict out.

Maybe he will not tell you affectionate words or write love messages on postcards since not all men are romantic.

But if a man wants to build a relationship with you, he will take good care of your safety and well-being as he perceives you as the mother of his future children.

See also: How to go from friends to lovers – Platonic relationship to romantic relationship

He Remembers

If your man remembers the little things you say, he wants to build an effective relationship. If he remembers the details or specific dates, it means he also listens carefully.

Also, if your partner is all ears, he is interested in you and your stories. When a man listens to what you are saying, he shows how important you are to him and wants to build a relationship with you.

Must read: 11 Proven Ways To Rekindle The Spark And Romance In A Relationship

He Introduces You to His Family

If your significant other insists on meeting his family, he wants to build a strong, serious relationship. When he tells his parents about you, he is genuinely in love with you and wants to take the relationship to the next level.

Usually, men want to organize a meeting with their parents after 2-3 months of being in a relationship when he already understands his intentions.

Sometimes, it can take longer, so you should not think that if you have been together for 3 months but still have not seen his parents, he does not want to build a relationship of trust.

It all depends on his relationship with his family, upbringing, age, and other factors. You should never ask your boyfriend to meet his parents, even if you are scared that he does not want to build a relationship.

The initiative always must come from a man, so you just need to wait.

Couple dancing in the forest

He Keeps Promises

If your man’s word does not cost a thing, he probably does not know how to build a relationship.

A loving, caring man will always make sure he keeps his promises and build up trust.

A man who wants to build an effective relationship will do whatever it takes not to disappoint his woman.

Only a man with serious intentions will do his best not to ruin the relationship that took so long to build.

If you notice that your partner gives you empty promises, it is time for a serious conversation.

Remember that a man who wants to build a relationship and is truly in love with you will never lie to you and will always keep his word.


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Going on dates, kissing under the rain, and staying up all night is fun, but women need the relationship to be more than that. That is when they start wondering whether their partner has serious intentions and wants to build a serious relationship.

Men are different, and their behaviour can be mysterious and hard to understand.

Before jumping to conclusions about whether your partner wants to build a strong relationship, see if he is honest with you, listens to what you say, builds up trust, makes an effort to surprise and make you happy.

All of these are signs that your partner sees you as the mother of his future children and wants to build an effective relationship of love and trust.

Have you ever had doubts about your man wanting to build a serious relationship with you? What were the signs that made you feel confident about your man’s intentions? Please, let us know in the comments below how you understood that your partner wanted to build an effective relationship with you.

About the Author:

Robert Faulkner is a family and child psychologist. He has been working with couples of different ages and wants to share his thoughts about relationships with you. Robert’s hobby is traveling inside the UK and abroad. He has visited more than 15 countries, including the USA, Spain, France, the Netherlands, etc. One of Robert’s biggest dreams is to take a photo on the top of Everest.

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