11 Reasons to leave that relationship even if you are still in love


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11 Reasons to leave that relationship even if you are still in love

Hi guys, today on relationship nuggets we would be looking at cogent reasons to leave that relationship even if you’re still in love.

There is no doubt that love is the ultimate and major reason why we often go into a relationship (except we are coerced into one for whatever reason).

It is the most important thing in any relationship because to me I’d say it often covers many other things. It makes everything else much easier.

But still, Even as it is so important in every relationship, is it really the only requirement needed to keep a relationship?

I would say – no it isn’t

Yes, love is the greatest but Just love is oftentimes not enough to keep a relationship together and its also not enough reason to remain in a very toxic relationship.

There are lots of people you might love dearly but just have to let go for some very important reasons.

I for one have had my fair share of having to turn my back on people that might have seemed all perfect and it had nothing to do with not loving them anymore and vice versa.

I’m very sure most people at some point or the other in their lifetime must have been in such a melancholic situation.

This is to further tell us that sometimes love is obviously not enough reason to remain in a relationship. It could be for whatever reason.

This is and would always be a hard concept to wrap your brain around. One might not realize this concept at a young age (though I was lucky to have realized at a young age).

Even though it doesn’t make it any much easier, but as one gets older and gains more experience,  the concept of love not being enough will get even clearer.

Very few a time, I’ve probably loved in my life and with each ending of these relationships, it was never about a lack of love.

But simply the fact that sometimes they might just not be right for you(they could seem right at the moment but deep down you know the future is unlikely).

And what exactly is the point of going into a serious relationship with someone whom you know you have zero chance of ending up with for whatever reason.

I happen to be a believer of ‘the earlier the better’. Sure, it can be very difficult especially when you actually really love them but just because you love someone doesn’t mean you’re good for each other.

Anyways, let’s carefully take a look at some cogent reasons why you would need to leave that relationship even if you are still in love with them.


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11 Reasons to leave that relationship even if you are still in love

  1. Domestic Violence

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of several cases where someone in a relationship would be physically abused by their significant other.

Most times, it all comes out in the open when life becomes threatened. This means some stay in the relationship till it gets out of control.

Often times when I hear these cases it’s often absurd. Like why?

So why exactly would a lady continue with a relationship where she gets to be slapped, beaten up and all? Why?

Many would say it is love. Well, that is bullshit. Domestic violence for me is like one of the biggest red flags in a relationship.

The signs are always there. You can usually see them even in the little things if you pay attention.

The moment you begin to notice any form of domestic violence in your relationship, then it is time to say bye to such a relationship

If you choose to pay deaf ears and turn a blind eye all in the name of love then you would have yourself to blame in the end because it is never worth it.


  1. No future

If you both agree to be in a short term relationship for reasons best known to you then that’s fine.

You must not have to feel you would or must end up together to go into a relationship. It doesn’t always work that way.

But if you are in a serious and matured relationship and looking long term then you should put the future into consideration.

Putting the future into consideration does not necessarily mean you guys will end up together but is the great possibility there?

If Yes good but if it’s a complete no then you might need to rethink that relationship. It’s often better to end it and just move on.


  1. Incompatible

Checking how compatible you both are now is also all part of being futuristic. Incompatibility in a relationship comes in so many different forms.

Personality-wise you could be very incompatible. Medical wise you could also be incompatible. It could be your genotype. Are you AS and is he AS or SS?


Finding someone whom you love so dearly but realizing you can’t be with because you are both incompatible is really painful.

And if you ever have to go through this, you would begin to restructure your first date question because the earlier the better (lol).

If you both love each other so much to want to continue and use other means to have children for safety then fine.

But if you know now that you aren’t willing to do that and you don’t want to jeopardise the life of your future kids then you just have to let go of that relationship.


  1. Diverse future ideas

What are their ideas for the future and what are yours? Are they in line with each other or are they highly dissimilar?

Do you want kids and do they not? Are you the type who wants to travel the world and they want to be settled in a particular area?

When it comes to the future — kids especially — no matter how much you love your partner if you do not agree on a lot of things concerning the future then it’s time to call it to quit.


  1. Constant Arguments

There is absolutely nothing wrong in having completely different views sometimes.

Some arguments are actually healthy in a relationship and having them isn’t bad.

But it becomes a different ball game the moment arguments becomes the order of the day.

Some would say opposites attract. Well at the beginning it might look so.

But if you are looking at a longterm commitment then being too opposite just makes the relationship a lot harder.

When you guys have to argue every minute over everything and don’t see eye to eye on a lot then it’s a sign you might need to move on.


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  1. Zero compromise

Relationships are often about compromise but some might want to askAre relationships really all about compromise?

Well in as much as compromise is very important, still, there are certain vital things that you should never have to compromise.

But still, relationships are all about meeting each other halfway so a compromise would always be needed at some point or the other.

If neither one of you is willing to compromise or you are feeling forced to compromise too much to a point where it’s becoming unbearable then you should leave that relationship.

Must read

7 vital things you should never compromise in a relationship

Are Relationships Really About Compromise?


  1. Stagnancy or Decline

Do you feel stagnant or do you feel like you began to decline or become worse as a person after going into this relationship?

Relationships are supposed to make you better, to be supportive, allow for evolutions, change, ups and downs and to cause you both to grow as individuals.

When your relationship is not being supportive in any way and you feel like you’re not going anywhere or growing then you might have to rethink it..


  1. You’re constantly sacrificing yourself for them

A relationship is meant to be a partnership where both parties make sacrifices for each other when necessary.

When one partner is sacrificing or giving way more than the other–be it financially, emotionally, mentally etc.

And no amount of communication has remedied the situation, then love can’t save it either. You need to leave.


  1. Constant Cheating

Does your partner have no regard for you and is constantly cheating while coming back to apologise but never changing?

This is just disrespect and it shows that they do not value you and not mind losing you.

In this case, it’s advisable to keep your self-respect and leave even if you are still in love.

Do not think they would change in marriage because they obviously won’t if they can’t change for you now.

Except you are willing to take it and turn your relationship to an open one then fine. But if you can’t, for your mental health–leave.


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  1. No sexual Chemistry

Ever been with someone whom you like so much but you have zero sexual chemistry with?

It can be quite painful especially when you really like them. Someone might feel can’t we overlook that?

Well sure you can have a loving relationship without so much sex. But we are sexual creatures, for how long can you?

Are you sure you are ready for such a relationship that could make you easily tempted to look outside to satisfy yourself?

This is one of the reasons why people find themselves looking for greener pastures outside of their marriage.

So many studies have shown and have proven that sex is a very necessary component in a healthy relationship.

Yes, it might not always be great all the time but still, you and your partner should have a decent amount of sexual chemistry.


  1. Codependency

Ever been in a relationship that totally clouds your mind off everything else that you feel completely useless without it?

It’s normal to always want to be around someone whom you love and insert them in every aspect of your life.

But there is a fine line between want and need where the need outweighs the want, where you can’t fiction without them.

Then you have become codependent which is a major sign of an unhealthy clinginess.

Often times, this is a problem of self and other times it could be a sign that relationship isn’t actually good for you.

It would be good for you to leave such a relationship even if love is still present and seek help before entering another or choosing to go back if you’ve dealt with it.


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About the Author

A Love Doctor Who Passionately Shares Love And Finance Tips